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Right off the bat, I suppose I should explain The Red Shrine a little. When first bringing it up amoung some of my friends, they asked me, "What the hell do Asuka and Elly have to do with one another?" Well, to put it simply, there are two reasons. First, they both have red hair, thus the name Red Shrine. Second, I really like both characters. And that's it. It may seem odd to put these two characters together, but why not, eh? I can tell you one thing though, there are no other Elly/Asuka Shrines on the internet, so there. J

The second thing that I would like to put here is that there are NO SPOILERS on this page that do not have titles such as "This is a spoiler" etc. Although there are a few pictures or written pieces that contain spoilers, you will not enter into them without first being warned (unless you can't read, but then you would be reading this, would you?) I always hated spoilers so I always put up a message even if it's not a big spoiler.

Another thing is that there is no fanfiction on this page. I don't like fanfiction because the series/game ended and people who write them just can't deal with that fact. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. If I insulted you, then I'm sorry, but that's my belief.

As for fanart, I would accept any submissions from anyone. I love fanart, especially from Xenogears, because there are some scenes that you just can't find in the series/game that would be really cool. I think I have some fanart in my image gallery, but I just found it on the internet and I don't have the names. If you see something that belongs to you, just e-mail me and I'll put something up so that I can give you credit.

Well, that's all. I'm done typing so now you can go and look through my page. I hope you have fun and find a lot of good stuff. If you don't, then give me a clue where to look (pictures of Elly are VERY hard to come by).

~Malkius Desclian


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